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Hualong Chemical Industry Company Limited is an industry based agrochemicals supply company. Our products have been registered and delivered to the countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. In past few years, through the great effort of management and all the staffs of the company, Hualong Chemical Industry Company Limited has been growing up smoothly and rapidly. The company is developing toward the aim of an international enterprise combined with production, research and marketing.

Our head office is located in China beautiful city Hangzhou. To provide convenient communication and better service to our customers, we have setup the liaison offices or sister companies in Shanghai, Hong Kong, USA and Canada. In the province of Zhejiang and Jiangsu, the company owns two manufactures who are playing important roles to guarantee our quality, quantity and time of the shipment to our customers around the world.

Our Company will always carry on our working principle: Best Quality, Competitive Price and Punctual Shipment. We have sincere appreciation to our respectable customers who have been firmly cooperating with us for so many years. We are also looking forward to having more progress with our existing and future clients together.

Copyright : Hualong Chemical Industry Company Limited
Technology : Hangzhou Topstone Technology Company Limited